
Friday, September 17, 2010

sickly project



one of the project in my 'in progress list' projects. the top cover was sewn together last month. i took the other half for our little sister's blanket in Ranau (after i changed my mind to make a single size instead of queen size blanket, as initially planned). The top cover need basting (something i never did before) before i can haul it off the list.

you wont believe how many sewing projects i have in the list. i hope, somehow, i'll ended up completing one of those piled up sickly projects.

the blanket's name? Dawn's (she's in my mind the whole lot of time me doing this)


kayau said...

Tugou, cantik tu patch blanket?boleh order queen size kah?;p..he.he..

kukuanga said...

really ko mau? boli juga bah.. tapi laaaaaaaambat siap lah. what colour ko mau?

Dy said...

told you... cantik betul that one oo... love love the colours :) love love the name juak :)

kukuanga said...

i think, now, i have to finish this one up and give to Dawn come november kan?

memang belong to her bah that...i just hope, she'll be as enthusiastic as we are!

Dy said...

How's the progress on this one mate??? Gotta push push push to meet Nov dateline!!! Jia you! you can do this!

kukuanga said...

belum ada masa mau p jalan india for the back cover and oso for the cotton 'sponge' (to quilt). aiyaaa... last week.. bz with meetings! this weekend lah i merayau.

jenkays said...

bolih ka kalau aku mo order pattern berbentuk star...hehehe saja kasi susah sikit mo king size..!!(lebih2 pulak)

i accept it as a retirement gift..!(indicator benda itu akan lambat siap)

kukuanga said...

kureng si jen ni.

btw, i've started a 'star' shaped patchwork beberapa minggu lepas. and i was thinking of you! bright colour gitu...single size la. but, as per-request, retirement gift, king size.. bisa diatur.

Dy said...

hahahah!!! the stars tu pun very nice togs :) bersesuaian dengan the request pulak kan? :)

kukuanga said...

muahahahhaha.. kebetulan dia request star kununnya DY!

jenkays said...

dlm otak itu yg paling susah bah ...! mana bulih siza single ko tau jg bed aku tu size apa!! size single tu bilik ko sama si dawn sj wakakak..!